Monday, September 21, 2009

South Korean arrests for North Korean flood?

The Korea Herald is reporting that two South Koreans are to be arrested in relation to the September 6 flood that was caused when North Korea released a massive amount of water from a dam without notice. This led to a flood downstream in South Korea, killing six people who were camping.

The arrests stem from failures of the South Korean flood system to work when the Imjin River overflowed. A Mister Song of the Korea Water Resources Corporation is said to have ignored automated warnings on his cell phone about the malfunctioning flood alert system, while a Mister Koh at the Yŏnchŏn County (연천군, aka Yeoncheon) governmental offices is said to have ignored the sudden rise of water and failed to send out warnings.

Both "face charges of dereliction of duty and professional negligence that resulted in deaths," and the Yŏnchŏn County government was notified that they were to blame for a lack of supervision and insufficient training.

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