Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Orange County crime story of the day

I've decided to take a cue from Brian in Chŏllanam-do and use news stories from the local Honolulu or Orange County papers and turn in to blog posts. My goal is to make The OC* seem as crime-ridden and freaky as Chŏnju/Jeonju to be.

My evil plan? If enough people are deterred by OC's whacked-outedness, then housing prices will fall as supply falls below demand, and I'll eventually be able to afford that four-bedroom and two-1/2-bath in Fountain Valley.

So, in that vein:
A woman remains in the hospital today after stabbing herself and a 15-year-old boy with a sword just after informing her father that she was hearing voices, police said.

At 11:15 p.m. Monday, police received a call about the stabbing at an apartment building in the eastside of town, Fullerton police Lt. Kevin Hamilton said.

Before the incident, she called her father and told him she was hearing voices, Hamilton said. The woman's father sent her brother to the apartment to help.

At some point, the woman grabbed a sword and began stabbing herself in the legs and body, Hamilton said.

Then she turned on the boy, 15, who was in the living room at the time. The woman's brother was able to disarm her, Hamilton said.
This is precisely why I don't leave swords lying around the house.

* Until that show came out, nobody in Orange County referred to their municipality with the word the. We did not need the definite article to denote our uniqueness; we were, after all, the Land of Tricky Dickey & Mickey™.
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  1. BrianThursday, September 03, 2009 9:25:00 AM

    Well, I just blogged two Pittsburgh-related stories because
    1) I'm in Pittsburgh now three weeks, and
    2) They're Asia-related as well.

    If the Pirates lose three more games this season, something they'll probably do over the next three games, I'll probably blog about that, because that means they'll have completed their 17th consecutive losing season, a record in US professional sports. I don't think my regular readers will be that interested, though.

    But being home a couple weeks out of the year gives an interesting perspective to what's going on in Asia, and it's neat to see Asia-related stuff in the local papers here. I've got one more story in the pipeline that comes from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, but it too has an Asia connection.

    Last year I did write a few entries on a separate blog, one I hoped to devote to Asia-related stuff in Pennsylvania, but it's too difficult. Researching Korea stuff on Google and Naver is one thing, but it's a different ballgame when you switch to looking up stuff going on in the US, a different skill set. Besides, there's not much demand, and the regular blog takes up way too much time.

  2. BrianThursday, September 03, 2009 9:26:00 AM

    In Pittsburgh now FOR three weeks, that should say.

  3. BrianThursday, September 03, 2009 9:27:00 AM

    And though I want to consider this a vacation, I do find myself a little busy because not only do I want to write stuff on my schedule (Pittsburgh time), but when the sun goes down here, it's coming up in Korea, so it's two news cycles to deal with. I can't keep up, of course, and don't really want to, but it can be a little overwhelming.

    Must . . . step . . . away from the computer.

  4. kushiboThursday, September 03, 2009 10:26:00 AM

    It's definitely something one has to work at. It's easy for me to cover OC and California or Hawaii stories because I have the Los Angeles Times and Orange County Register websites as my home page on Safari and Firefox, respectively.

    That sort of leaves Honolulu papers out, and I should try to include more local news, especially since (like with California news) a lot of it is Korea-related.

  5. kushiboThursday, September 03, 2009 10:27:00 AM

    Anyway, I'm realizing how easy it is to find crime stories in OC. I'll just try to make sure it's the weird ones that I pass along.


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