Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Obama says Clinton says Kim Jong-il in good health

This past weekend President Barack Hussein Obama told CNN of the conversations he had with former President Bill Clinton on the impressions he got of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il when Clinton went over there to rescue Euna Lee and Laura Ling.

"I think President Clinton's assessment was that [Kim's] — he's pretty healthy and in control," President Obama said in an interview that airs Sunday on CNN's State of the Union, "And that's important to know, because we don't have a lot of interaction with the North Koreans. And, you know, President Clinton had a chance to see him close up and have conversations with him.

"I won't go into any more details than that. But there's no doubt that this is somebody who, you know, I think for a while people thought was slipping away. He's reasserted himself. It does appear that he's concerned about — he was more concerned about succession when he was — succession when he was sick, maybe less so now that he's well."
Below is the video itself:

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