Friday, September 25, 2009

News links for September 25, 2009

  1. In echoes of Daewoo's failed Madagascar deal, South Korea pens agreement to develop 1000 square kilometers of farmland in Tanzania (BBC)
  2. Sixty-one-year-old man with diabetes and heart condition is eleventh H1N1 flu fatality (Korea Times)
  3. Pyonchang submits bid for 2018 Winter Olympiad, still spells it "Pyeongchang" (Korea Times)
  4. Lee and Hatoyama reaffirm commitment to work together to end North Korean nuclear threat (Korea Times)
  5. Microsoft to invest $19 million in South Korea's online gaming industry, to be divided among twenty-five local developers (BBC)
  6. Constitutional Court says ban on nighttime rallies violates spirit of basic law (Korea Times)
  7. Nine North Koreans enter Danish embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam, seeking asylum (BBC)
  8. CDC to start daring new HPV vaccination campaign: "Your 12-year-old May Be a Slut!"
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