Friday, February 27, 2009

Kushibo hits the big 5-0!

If you're thinking I just turned fifty, um, no. 

For that milestone, talk to me in about twenty-five years, when not only will I already be fifty, but I might actually be ready to admit it. 

Rather, this is about hitting the 50K mark in my Sitemeter hits. 

Of course, this is only since November 2005, well over six months after I'd been blogging strong, but I figure those uncounted hits from before November 2005 probably cancel out the hits after November 2005 that are from me going to my own blog a few times each day. Sure, that might not sound very scientific or precise, but if it's good enough for voting officials in Minnesota and Florida, then it's good enough for Monster Island. 

I knew that the 50,000 mark was coming this week, but I forgot to pay attention, and now it's a few hundred past that, so I can't go back to Sitemeter and figure out who it was (I'm on the free edition, so it only records the past 100 visits). I wanted to give Rantburg a shout-out for putting me over the edge (a picture of Secretary of Commerce-designate Gary Locke's "hot wife" Mona Lee on my post got linked to this Rantburg rant), but the surge I got from Rantburg readers didn't come until after the milestone was reached. 

So, mysterious visitor whose name is known only to God and Sitemeter's premium package, thank you. If I ever figure out who you are, I'll buy you a Coffee Bean beverage of your choosing, redeemable at any Honolulu or Seoul Coffee Bean, as long as I'm there. 

Now, this may seem like no big deal. As of this moment, for example, The Marmot's Hole has had 5,187,312 hits (of which I'm about 23.1% of them), a hundred times greater than mine. This, of course, represents a longer period of tabulating (six years versus three years) and mine covers a period of around two years when I was on prolonged hiatus ("in retirement"). 

During that non-blogging period, I only got about twenty or thirty hits a day, not from regular readers or people who linked to my blog via comments I left elsewhere, like before and after my retirement, but from people Googling this or that, especially "Corea versus Korea" or Korean nudie pics

So that means that rather than getting only 1% of Marmot's traffic, I might actually be getting 2% or 3%. On some days 5%. And that makes me the Hyundai (or Apple) of the Korea blogosphere, baby! All I need to do is invent the equivalent of an iPod, and I be stylin'. 

Please click on the Google Ads so I can buy some coffee. Grazie, mahalo, 고마워요, ありがとう.

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