Friday, February 27, 2009

맛있는 무지개 송어 (rainbow trout)

Today's dinner was rainbow trout and peas. Peas are good for you. If you don't like peas, then all I can say is, "Give peas a chance." ㅋㅋㅋ The unskinned trout was prepared simply, much like last week's shark: baked at 375°F on top of olive oil and sprinkled with a dash of lemon pepper. Afterwards the skin pills right off, while the flesh generally slides off the bones. I find eating baked trout with chopsticks to be easier than with a fork, especially for the flesh-sliding-off-bones effect. 

Some people don't like to eat food that still has its head on. It's not very Martha Stewart. But animals were once living creatures, and we shouldn't be so glib as to pretend they weren't. And come on, isn't decapitating it before you eat it much worse? Grow a pair! 

(Although, I must admit, this trout looks especially sad. Maybe when he was caught he was thinking of his wife and all those kids he spawned. Maybe he regretted not getting that teaching credential. Ah, but in life, he was a predator, feeding off of smaller fish, so in fact, his death is rather ironic, don't you think? He died as he lived! [an eerie feeling of ironic foreboding rises on the back of kushibo's neck, compelling him to take a peek out the window to make sure some Godzilla-like creature is not ravaging its way through Honolulu, devouring the citizenry as it makes its way up Kapahulu Avenue].)

Instead of tea I had homemade "royal milk tea," much like the Te Java (데자와) sold in Korea. You take one bag of English Breakfast, break it open and pour it into a six-ounce mixture of water and milk: one part of each. Slowly heat the diluted milk so that the tea leaves have time to steep in the mixture. Pour it through a strainer into a mug, so that the tea leaves don't end up in your drink. Add up to one heaping spoonful of honey to sweeten. Below I'm actually making three cups of royal milk tea.

By the way, the kitchen in this part of our dorm is often quite messy, as you can see. It's shared by up to forty people (mostly men, many of whom never had to take care of or clean up after themselves before they went abroad to study), making it a real-world example of the tragedy of the commons.

Here's a little fun fact (and this one is true). The species name for rainbow trout is O. mykiss. And that, Kushibo thinks, makes it the perfect dinner entree for White Day next month. 

And nothing says "love" like giving the object of your affection the Heimlich Maneuver when she chokes on a tiny fishbone. Especially if it's followed by a little mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Rrrrrowl!

Credit where credit is due: The box at left is swiped from Wikipedia, the encyclopedia created by Wiccans. 

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