Saturday, February 28, 2009

Death of DMB?

The Los Angeles Times reports that South Korea's cellular phone operators may drop the DMB video service that allows them to watch "cable" TV even while on the subway. 

It's just too expensive, they say. Specifically, they blame declining ad revenue and debt from providing this expensive service at no additional cost to subscribers. 

Will the ten million South Koreans now getting the service for free be willing to pony up an extra 10,000 won a month to watch TV during their daily commute? My guess is that some of them will. 

Heck, if I'm willing to pay $20 a month for the data service that allows me to surf the Internet on my iPhone from anywhere within the AT&T network (which does not include most of Arizona north of the Grand Canyon — including the North Rim), I'm sure others will see this as a must-have service, now that they've gotten used to it.
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