Thursday, March 11, 2010

Loose change for March 11, 2010

 Economic news 

  • LG has launched an Android-based smartphone. Here's the Joongang Daily story.
  • The IMF says that South Korea will be the fifth fastest-growing economy among the G20 this year. And the IMF is never wrong.
  • South Korea and Australia will hold a fourth round of FTA talks next week. You hear that Obama? Are you listening? Hello!
  • South Korea's financial regulator has said that the capital adequacy ratio of South Korean banks rose to an all-time high in December as lenders reduced risk-weighted assets. Phht... Like I even know what that means.
 North Korea news and stuff 
  • A North Korean defector who is now a professor in South Korea has been honored by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama as a "woman of courage." Not for escaping the North, but for making it in South Korea's room salon-dominated workplace. (Yonhap also has the story.)
  • US Ambassador to Seoul has declared that Washington has no intention to topple the North Korean regime by force.
  • Wealthy North Koreans are hoarding South Korean goods.
  • A Chinese company is offering railway tours to North Korea. Wave to Kim Jong-il when you pass. 
 Other Korea-related stuff 
 Americana and miscellany 

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