Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Loose change for March 10, 2009

 Economic news 
 North Korea news and stuff 
  • Here's an AP video of Kim Jong-ryul, who was Kim Jong-il's and Kim Ilsung's personal shopper. It includes video of a lively Kim Jong-il, but I don't think it was recently taken. The author says the North Koreans will now do whatever they can to capture and kill him.
  • The AP reports that North Korea has recently created an army division in charge of newly developed intermediate-range missiles capable of striking US forces in Japan and Guam.
  • Seoul is closely watching North Korea's opening of the Rajin port to China.
 Other Korea-related stuff 
 Americana and miscellany 
  • The Washington Post has a review of Chang-rae Lee's latest book, The Surrendered
  • The Kogi truck has a rival, Baja Fresh-aligned Calbi, and they're coming to Orange County. I'm just glad they don't spell it Gogi and Galbi, which would remind me of the Golgi apparatus. 

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