Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Daily Kor for March 31, 2010

The search goes on. And it is not an easy one. Those are murky waters with a swift current beneath, and there is always the possibility that there could be more of what brought down Chonan still out there. Godspeed, gentlemen.
  1. Divers tries to enter Diver involved in rescue and recovery of sunken Chonan dies (links here)
    • Pentagon remains cautious on sinking (Yonhap)
    • US to send helicopters to help in rescue (Korea Times)
  2. Russia formerly implements UN Security Council sanctions on North Korea (AP via WaPo)
  3. North Korea's Air Koryo receives partial exemption from European Union's airline blacklist (AP via USA Today)
  4. Seoul lodges protest with Tokyo after Japanese Education Ministry approves elementary textbooks describing Tokto as Japanese territory, with one saying South Korea "illegally occupies" the islets (Fox, Yonhap, Korea Times, Korea Herald, Joongang Daily
  5. Six killed, including driver, when bus traveling from Ulchin in North Kyŏngsang Province to Samch'ŏk in Kangwon Province goes off embankment (Joongang Daily)
  6. Human Rights Commission says police should not set up CCTV cameras in neighborhoods without residents' permission (Yonhap)
  7. South Korean consortium signs contract to build Jordan's first nuclear research reactor by 2015 (Yonhap)
  8. President Lee names his top advisor Home Minister (Yonhap, Korea Times, Joongang Daily)
  9. In parade marking Greek Independence Day, Greek soldiers remind everyone of their country's gay warrior origins (UPI)
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