Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daily Kor for March 17, 2010

Will he or won't he? Will President Lee postpone or even cancel his trip to Japan if he doesn't get a grand gesture from Prime Minister Hatoyama? And how about those North Koreans paying off Somali pirates? Makes you wonder who to root for. And why didn't they nominate researcher Choi Jungtae to head the Bank of Korea? I was looking forward to years of being able to write BOK Choi. 
  1. President Lee chooses "dovish" new Bank of Korea head with strong ties to Blue House who is expected to work closely with president on economic recovery issues (Bloomberg, WSJ, Yonhap, Korea Times, Joongang Daily)
    • Critics say Kim Choongsoo has too many o's in his name
  2. President Lee reportedly postpones April 10 visit to Japan pending resolution of several political issues (Japan Today)
  3. Somali pirates free twenty-eight crew members of captured North Korean oil tanker after random is paid (AP via WaPo)
  4. Swedish diplomats, acting on behalf of US, allowed second consular access to unnamed American held in North Korea (Yonhap, Korea Times, Joongang Daily)
  5. South Korea selects site of second Antarctic base to be completed by 2014 (Yonhap)
    • Flashback: Where have we heard this before?
  6. Police look into upload of Kim Yuna meeting with Minister of Culture, taken from live televised footage but allegedly edited to appear as sexual harassment (Yonhap)
  7. In bid to earn hard currency, Kim Jong-il announces remake of Field of Dreams, but with hacky-sack (Yonhap)
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