Monday, March 15, 2010

Daily Kor for March 15, 2010: The Ideas of March

I've seen all of "Rome," and let me just mention that March 15 is a good day to off a leader. Just sayin'. 
  1. Suspect Kim Kiltae confesses to kidnap, rape, and murder of thirteen-year-old girl in case that has shocked the country (Yonhap, Korea Times, Korea Herald, Joongang Daily)
  2. South Korean import prices, in terms of KRW, post largest drop since November 2009 (Reuters via CNBC)
    • curiously, Yonhap is reporting that they went up
  3. Economically beleaguered North Korea revises law, allowing South Koreans to invest in Rason free-trade zone near border with Russia (Yonhap, Korea Times, Korea Herald)
  4. Documents from 1965 discovered showing Tokyo was open to individual compensation for forced laborers despite 1965 Basic Treaty signed with Seoul (Yonhap)
  5. Survey shows that more than 80 percent of South Koreans back death penalty (Yonhap)
  6. ROK ambassador to Russia asks for swift punishment of attackers of South Korean students (Yonhap)
  7. Tired of disruptive visits by anti-Pyongyang activists entering North Korean territory, Dear Leader Kim Jong-il personally instructs Cousin It to turn around and go back to Mockingbird Heights (Yonhap)
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