Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Well, he was right the last time.

Baduk has been insisting that Roh Moohyun has faked his death and in fact it was his body double that was offed.

When it comes to clones and doubles, you ignore Baduk at your own peril.

[left: Professional Roh Moohyun impersonator Kim Chol. When he lost work after he refused to get eyelid surgery, Mr Kim returned to driving a taxi in Taejŏn. Mr Kim has been accounted for since reports of President Roh's death.]

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  1. King BaeksuWednesday, May 27, 2009 8:26:00 PM

    So was PD Such'op.

  2. kushiboWednesday, May 27, 2009 8:44:00 PM

    I don't know how much you were following Marmot's Hole in the latter half of 2005, but Baduk beat PD Such'ŏp by many months.

    Then again, he thinks Dolly the Sheep is also fake.

    Really, this post was rather pointless, though I must admit I was doing it largely for your benefit, KB. :)

  3. King BaeksuWednesday, May 27, 2009 9:13:00 PM

    I was referring to one of their more notorious reports from last year, actually.

  4. Won Joon ChoeThursday, May 28, 2009 3:43:00 AM


    I am sure this post was intended as a comic relief of sorts, but "baduk" is really not worth your attention.

    As for his being "right" about "Hwang": That was not exactly a difficult guess. Besides, even a drunk marksman may hit a target if he fires off enough rounds.

  5. kushiboThursday, May 28, 2009 2:35:00 PM

    Won Joon Choe wrote:
    I am sure this post was intended as a comic relief of sorts, but "baduk" is really not worth your attention.

    I do agree he's certifiable (and have said so several times).

    As for his being "right" about "Hwang": That was not exactly a difficult guess. Besides, even a drunk marksman may hit a target if he fires off enough rounds.

    In fact, I've said something quite similar (that's a funny old thread, dogbert's gratuitous jab at me notwithstanding).

    BUT... I do find his wild-eyed fantasies to be entertaining. Moreover, since this is such a crazy world with nine billion individuals, some of the crazy shit can be right sometimes.

    Frankly, I want this to be a slam-dunk suicide (meaning I want that to be what really happened, not that that's what I wanted to happen to Roh), and I can think if a whole bunch of reasons why a guard who did nothing wrong might have initially lied, but now this whole thing got real messy, and I would now be considerably less surprised if it turned out foul play was involved somehow (whether it is the M-word or an actual accident or whatever).


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