Monday, May 4, 2009

Big exam tomorrow

Sucks to be me.

Big exam today.

Big exam over. Did all right. Sucks a little less to be me now.

Still one huge final and a major paper.

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  1. nosaj100Tuesday, May 05, 2009 2:36:00 AM

    Good Luck. It doesn't look like anything I would find fun.

  2. kushiboTuesday, May 05, 2009 2:44:00 PM

    Ah, but I deliberately chose an opaque and arcane looking bit of text for that iPhone photo.

    Health economics is like anything else: If you go through it step by step you can figure it out, and the prof, a Harvard-educated health economist, took into consideration that we're mostly public health people from the social sciences.

    As for whether it's fun, it's more of a matter of it being interesting. It's fascinating to know how health reform ticks, why Korea has low-cost health care despite high out-of-pocket expenses, why not 2MB's plans for privatization of health care would be a good idea or not, why it's cost-effective for South Korea to have included all foreign nationals in its health care system, etc.

    When I graduate I will seek a teaching and research position in either the US (preferably California or Hawaii), South Korea, or Japan. If I'm in South Korea, I would like to be involved in working on expanding health care services to the international community — cultural competency in delivery (including bilingual access, cross-cultural access, etc.), general access, etc.

    Okay, maybe it's interesting only to me. But it should be of interest to a lot of people in the K-blogosphere.

  3. nosaj100Wednesday, May 06, 2009 2:12:00 PM

    ah...That does sound interesting. I really would like to hear your thoughts about the Korean health care system. It is a matter that I really don't know that much about. I do know that it is pretty cheap to go visit my local doctor and recieve meds for a cold. That is about the extent of my knowledge.

    You future plans sound very interesting as well. When do you expect to graduate?

  4. kushiboThursday, May 07, 2009 11:48:00 AM

    nosaj100 wrote:
    ah...That does sound interesting. I really would like to hear your thoughts about the Korean health care system.

    I might try to put up some more health-related posts, especially about insurance reform and what-not. I need specifics from the 2MB administration to really get into that particular issue.

    I have discussed with Sonagi the possibility of setting up an exclusively health-related blog which would probably deal heavily with Korea and East Asia. I might start trying to pursue that after the semester ends.

    You future plans sound very interesting as well. When do you expect to graduate?

    Well, certain family issues have slowed things down, and getting two degrees makes things take longer, but I'm looking at another three years to do both, give or take a semester. I might end up working toward some of the "foreigner"-related issues even before I graduate. I'm going to talk with some public health people this summer to look into that possibility.


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