Monday, May 4, 2009

The Kitten War

I got this from List of the Day. But I don't think this could ever really happen. When it comes down to it, an army of felines is just a bunch of pussies. 

Come to think of it, given the fervent feline phobia that many Koreans still have, an army of cats might be the best way for the Lee administration to take down the chinbo "progressive" agitators protestors.  

(And let's face it, those with such a paranoia about cows probably would have something similarly irrational about cats.)

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  1. MLATuesday, May 05, 2009 3:20:00 AM

    Like you could ever get kittens to march in rank....

  2. cjlatinaTuesday, May 05, 2009 6:58:00 AM

    Why would kittens need swords and armor when they teeth, claws, and fur?

    Also why is that SO COOL! HE HE

  3. cjlatinaTuesday, May 05, 2009 7:00:00 AM

    Oops. That should be "when they have teeth..."

  4. kushiboWednesday, May 06, 2009 4:28:00 PM

    MLA wrote:
    Like you could ever get kittens to march in rank....

    Indeed, t'would be .

    But these are future cats, so maybe they've evolved. Maybe without humans around to coddle them, they went through a period of rapid evolutionary development where those that were standoffish and aloof disappeared from the gene pool, while those that remained were the rare ones that could organize and, um, use tools.

    Like my cats Tomato and Mozzarella could.

  5. kushiboWednesday, May 06, 2009 4:33:00 PM

    cjlatina wrote:
    Why would kittens need swords and armor when they teeth, claws, and fur?

    Because the other cats also have teeth, claws, and fur...?

    Lolcats? Maulcats!

    Anyway, I was thinking of something while watching something on North Korea. Given the intense feline phobia that so many Koreans have, if we could train cats to follow commands like dogs or dolphins do, we could strap wireless cameras to their heads and have them invade the North. Or parachute the kitties into the DPRK.

    North Korean soldiers would be freaked out. Pyongyang would fall within hours. Nabi and Snowball would have KJI cornered in one of his palatial estates, with the Dear Leader begging to be taken into custody by the humans who come later.


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