Sunday, May 17, 2009

News links for May 16-17, 2009

1. Swedish ambassador to North Korea Mats Foyer (right) meets with captured American journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee (BBC)

2. North Korea unconditionally tells South Korea to raise pay of workers at Kaesong Industrial Complex or leave (NYT)

3. Despite attempts at talks with Pyongyang (Yonhap), Seoul mulls the possibility of closure of Kaesong (WaPo) as North Korea declares Kaesong contracts invalid (WaPo)

4. South Korean trucker unionists vote to go on strike (Yonhap)

5. ROK Foreign Ministry says Seoul plans to seek more FTAs with Asia-Pacific countries (Korea Times)

6. Disgraced cloning scientist Hwang Woo-suk tries to resuscitate career with announcement of first-ever cloned pigs (Korea Times)

7. Weak won drives down consumption of overseas goods by 53% (Korea Herald)

8. Irredentist Mongolians seek return of Hungary and Ukraine to Ulan Bator rule ()

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