Monday, March 2, 2009

What does a faux masturbation pose have to do with 정양 trying to make a comeback?

Nothing really. It's just the conservative Chosun Ilbo's latest salvo in the competition for eyeballs. 

T'is an example of the pornification of society, methinks. Not that Kushibo minds looking at attractive celebrities such as Korean singer Chŏng Yang (Jeong Yang), but I don't want to have to be looking over my shoulder for my little nephews and nieces when I'm reading the stinkin' newspaper. Their young, not-fully-formed minds won't understand when I say, "It's okay; it's just the Chosun Ilbo." 

And, yes, I understand the irony of me posting these same pictures on my blog. I'm a freakin' hypocrite, and the sooner you understand that, the better. 

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