Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh, for Pete's sake. Japan takes down the US, 9-4.

Couldn't the US team just for once stepped up their game just this once and beat Japan in the semi-finals for the World Baseball Classic? Apparently not.

Instead, Japan took down the United States team 9 to 4. (You know what else has a 9 and a 4 in it? 1941 — the year Tojo bombed Pearl Harbor!!! Just sayin', is all.)

And now, this means Korea and Japan will face each other for a fifth time in this year's WBC. That's right, as I mentioned earlier, five of Korea's nine games will be played against Japan. Really, should we consider renaming it the "Korea and Japan (and the Rest of the World) Baseball Classic"?

Anyway, I'll be rooting for Korea tomorrow, partly because Japan won last time, but I won't be watching the game (I jinx teams I favor).

[Readers note: This post is my 244th for all of 2009, which ties my previous record of 244 posts in a single calendar year, in 2006. I'm already at 118 posts for March, which has stomped my previous one-month record of 90 posts, recorded last month. My earlier records were nowhere near February's: 64 in May 2006 and 63 in September 2005. This prolific posting could be why my average number of hits has shot up to 250 per day; I think Google pays attention to things like that.]

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  1. BrianMonday, March 23, 2009 8:29:00 PM

    Though you're outpacing me a little, I'm still proud that I---and you---post more than TMHole and his, like, eight guest bloggers.

    I'm hoping to get 1,000 posts this year, and would also like to break 100,000 page views in a month (my record now is this month, 41,000 and counting.)

  2. kushiboTuesday, March 24, 2009 5:40:00 AM

    Though you're outpacing me a little, I'm still proud that I---and you---post more than TMHole and his, like, eight guest bloggers.

    Heh heh. I have emailed Marmot and told him he should post more. I like Sonagi and Wangkon and think that some of his other guest bloggers have good stuff to add, but it is he that makes the Marmot's Hole worth reading.

    I'm hoping to get 1,000 posts this year, and would also like to break 100,000 page views in a month (my record now is this month, 41,000 and counting.)

    I've seen enough James Bond movies to know that the mad genius who lays out his evil plans always gets it in the end.

    Anyway... barring some unforeseen circumstance, I should easily reach 1000 posts this year. The truth is, I'm not even really trying. I think Blogger/Blogspot has made it easier to post things quickly and with add pictures, plus since last year I have a faster computer with a bigger monitor (brand new iMac with a 20" screen) than any of the computers I was using previously.

    At my current rate, I may get 7000 or 8000 hits this month. How on earth did you get 100,000 page views in a month? (That's more than my total page views — around 90K).

    The most hits I ever got was like 1500 in one day when someone big linked the Korea-versus-Corea post (I think).

    I get an awful lot of image search hits nowadays — around half of all hits. I wonder if Google searches deliberately favor Google blogs (like Blogspot) and those with Google Ads.


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