The face on the Tinker Bell statue at Euro Disneyland was modeled after then-First Lady Hillary Clinton, who was Guest of Honor when the park opened in 1993.
Nate is a former newscaster and sometime journalist, Korean Studies specialist, current doctoral grad student in public health, professional writer and editor, Yonsei alumnus, UCI alumnus, lover not a fighter, Gen-Xer, 1980s pop music aficionado, 5K-per-day runner, fast walker, hiker, temporary permanent resident of Hawaii, Seoul slumlord, California native straight out of Compton, Orange County "native" with a Seth Cohen personality but not a Seth Cohen trust fund, national parks visitor, former Disneyland employee, former UPS employee who still has the uniform and plots ways to abuse that fact, amateur photographer and cinematographer, Mac enthusiast, uncle of several and cousin of many, semi-professional blogger, contrarian scourge, lifelong "Orange Dog Democrat" (Dem from OC) who distrusts other Democrats, ordained minister, eater of oatmeal, onetime student of Japanese who can still put together sentences based on knowledge of Korean, world traveler, frequent flier, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf preferred customer, lover of all things Italian, filial son, frequent visitor of Japan and Hong Kong, and driver of an LPG Kia minivan. .
Go to this post to recommend to me and Monster Island readers any blog you think is worthy, even if it's not directly related to Korea and Northeast Asia (or Hawaii or Orange County).
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(Yes, they really do pay — enough for me to go to Coffee Bean, at least. The more you click, the more vanilla lattes I can get.)
Ask Kushibo.
My data shows that a lot of the 1000 or so people a week who land on my site are looking for cultural information on Korea (e.g., "When did Syngman Rhee die?" "What did the Indians bring to the first Chusok?" etc., etc.), as well as practical or historical stuff.
That got me thinking that, hey, I have a master's degree in Korean studies and a minor in Japanese studies, I've lived in Seoul far longer than most foreans my age (whether they're kyopo or non-kyopo), I teach introductory courses on Korea and its cultural trappings and history, so why not offer a free service where I attempt to answer people's questions, point them in the direction of where they can get them answered, and/or offer my regulars (that's you!) a chance to take a stab at some of this stuff, too.
So if there's something you'd like to know from a "contrarian scourge," click on ASK KUSHIBO and just ask a succinct question in the comments section below.
Oh, and play nice. Please don't make me regret this.
Explore Monster Island (um... search this site)
九十五大怪獣란? 쿠시보의 몬스터 아일랜드란?
Pearls of witticism from 'Bo the Blogger: Kushibo's Korea blog... Kushibo-e Kibun...
Now with Less kimchi, more nunchi. Random thoughts and commentary (and indiscernibly opaque humor) about selected social, political, economic, and health-related issues of the day affecting "foreans" ("foreigners" in Korea be they kyopo or non-kyopo), Koreans, Korea and East Asia, along with the US, especially Hawaii, Orange County, and the rest of California, plus anything else that is deemed worthy of discussion. Forza Corea!
To read my many posts on Laura Ling, Euna Lee, or Mitch Koss, the two CurrentTV crew who were held in North Korea and their executive producer who could run faster than they could because he wasn't weighted down with incriminating videotapes, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Korean Gender Reader, December 8-14 - (Source) Not related to any of the stories sorry — I just love the colors, and the retro look. But see pop reviews now if you’d like to know more about his...
Normal Reaction to a Gun - *Dear Korean, I've been a fan of Korean action-thrillers for a while now, but there's something weird that I think only happens in Korean movies: there are...
A Quick Thought on this Psy business - My ten year-old can already tell you that one of my life’s newer objectives is to die an old man without having heard “Kangnam Style” even once. Pop cultur...
8 hours ago
ROK Drop
- I figured I would start an Open Thread for everyone to discuss the latest mass shooting in the US that statistically isn’t the worse, but feels like the wo...
9 hours ago
List Of The Day
Talking Cow Of The Day - Sort of. I can't watching this and laughing. Thanks, Liz.
16 hours ago
Korea Beat
Kim Jong-un all smiles after missile launch - Following this week’s launch of a missile that made it all the Philippines, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un looked to be in good spirits.
1 day ago
FN fördömer Nordkoreas uppskjutning - ...FN:s säkerhetsråd fördömde i onsdags kväll *Nordkorea* under ett extrainsatt möte efter att den isolerade nationen tidigare samma dag gjort en lyckad ra...
Phones, Phones and More Phones? - A pithy moment from my latest piece for SinoNK, which you can read more of right here: However, the pain is actually quite a long way short of being over. ...
Announcement: Seoul Eats Revamp - Dear Readers, I would like to thank you all for reading my blog. I never thought that I would be able to live such a foodie's life in Korea and I ...
Old photos of Jeollanam-do and Gwangju. - [image: 1941 Jeollanamdo Provincial Office] *Taken in front of the Jeollanam-do Provincial Office, 1941.* [image: Sajik Park] *Sajik Park observatory in the...
Don't Bring Your Baggage to Korea - Of course, I mean that figuratively. Don't bring your baggage to Korea. Korea is a different place with different customs and practices from your home countr...
Is it art or pornography? - Let’s say that a 145-year-old oil painting is on display in the Orsay Museum in France. Wouldn’t most people would consider it to be art, even if it displa...
- Sewell Chan: U.S. Plans for Trade Are Stalled (NYT, February 28): Although the White House renegotiated a pivotal free-trade agreement with South Korea in De...
Exposed waygooks #003 - I haven't yet gotten any submissions, so I'm still reduced to mining other blogs for exposed waygooks. This one, from Blackout Korea, looks almost like it ...
ATEK human rights abuse solidarity shirts (9900 won while supplies last)
Korea, Mumbai, and New Ulm
Say hello. 인사 해 주세요.
For casual visitors and especially regular readers, please feel free to drop by my CHIME IN post and say hi. I'd love to hear about what you do and where you are.
Searching for "The Simpsons"?
If you're one of dozens of people each week who stumble across this blog looking for quotes, information, or (nearly) full scripts of "The Simpsons," then go to (for "Springfield Nuclear Power Plant"), the premier Simpsons resource that is not controlled by the evildoers at Fox.
Blog roll of blogs that list me in their blog roll (plus a few other blogs I like or check out)
Even before I went into into semi-retirement, I essentially stopped commenting on Marmot's Hole and other K-blogs altogether. But I still occasionally shoot off an editorial comment here and there or respond when someone calls my name. See the COMMENTS section here for some of these pearls of witticism.
Hmm... Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
How did you find Monster Island?
* Monster Island (actually a peninsula)
The name of this blog comes from a line in "Lisa on Ice," a beloved episode of The Simpsons, perhaps my all-time favorite television show (even though for several seasons there, it really did suck). Lisa is imagining being sworn in as president, but at the last minute, it is discovered that she failed P.E. (physical education) and she is thus "sentenced to a lifetime of horror" on Monster Island. "Don't worry," the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court confides in her, "It's just a name."
Fast forward to Lisa and other prisoners running in panic through a tropical jungle, chased by Godzilla-like creatures, including a monster turtle and a monster firefly.
"He said it was just a name!" Lisa screams to the man next to her. While he, too, runs for his life, the unidentified man calmly says, "What he meant is that Monster Island is actually a peninsula."
Anyway, I thought in some ways that punchline summed up modern-day Korea in a nutshell. For many people—foreigners and Koreans—the ups and downs and everyday travails of the Republic of Korea make it as precarious as a Monster Island would be (and with the DMZ being the only land border, it really is like an island). But it actually is a peninsula. Okay, it made sense in my head.
So as you can see, despite the hits I get from people looking for Japanese tentacle porn, it has nothing to do with anything salacious as that.
Sarah Palin may not recall what papers she reads, but Kushibo knows what he checks out every day.
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