Wednesday, March 18, 2009

North Korea slows down pace of nuclear disablement

According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency (via WaPo), North Korea has slowed down even further the pace at which thy are dismantling their controversial nuclear plant. They are doing so, they say, because they have not received promised energy aid.

The slowdown has gone from removing fifteen nuclear fuel rods per day last fall to removing fifteen nuclear fuel rods per week. This is the last major step in disablement.

In return, the other members of the Six-Party Talks — the US, South Korea, Japan, China, and Russia — agreed to a deal providing Pyongyang with one million tons of heavy fuel aid, though the talks have basically stalled.

The slowdown comes as North Korea gets ready to launch either a rocket/missile or a satellite sometime between April 4 and 8, which has raised tensions in the region.

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