Saturday, October 2, 2010

President Lee visits Monster Island

That's the only way to explain him announcing a larger role for the South Korean military just days after I recommended that very thing (in response to the UK cutting its own military budget and thus its military role on the world stage).

From Yonhap via ROK Drop:
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said Tuesday his military will try to play a bigger role in global security and peace as part of efforts to repay the international community for its help in the fight against the North Korean invasion six decades ago.

“The military of the Republic of Korea should further develop into ‘international armed forces’ to contribute to world security and peace,” Lee said in a televised speech to commemorate the recapturing of Seoul from North Korea by U.N. allied forces on Sept. 28, 1950.
I wonder if that will put the claims of the "Why is Korea so ungrateful?" crowd to rest? Eh, probably not.

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