Monday, October 11, 2010

Just fact-checking...

Is this true? I don't recall this:
Netizens who saw the video wrote “let’s go find some foreigners and punish them” ………………

Great! I remember when the two school girls were run over by the tank – and not long after some Koreans stabbed an Aussie and NZ’er to death in Itaewon in retaliation.

Do foreigners have to watch their backs again now?
In the aftermath of the deaths of Shim Misŏn and Shin Hyosun, I recall that an officer in the public affairs office was stabbed by two Korean men in a pedestrian underpass (?) as he went home, there were signs here and there for a while saying "No Americans" and similar stuff, and a whole lot of foreigners got an angry earful from a lot of Koreans about the incident, but I do not recall what commenter Craash has written above.

There was the fatal stabbing of Major David Berry, a US Army doctor, in Itaewon in 2000, two years before the girls' deaths. [A Korean-language report by YTN is here, even though Metropolitician assures us that such things "NEVER EVER EVER EVER... never hit the news."]

If an Australian and a New Zealander were stabbed to death during the orgy of anti-Americanism in 2002, I really should know about it, so I'd appreciate any details. I'd be embarrassed if I'd missed that news or, worse, if I'd forgotten about it. On the other hand, if this is someone getting their facts wrong, then that is also problematic, especially if people are using false incidents to claim that violence may occur after the now infamous videotaped beating of an elderly Korean man by a fake GI.

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