Saturday, April 24, 2010

Loose change for April 24, 2010

 Economic and business news 
 North Korea news and stuff 
  • UPI has an article on the "growing suspicion" that North Korea is responsible for the Chonan's sinking.
  • The Blue House is considering the creation of a position of "Special Secretary for National Security" who would deal with emergency situations like the sinking of the Chonan.
 Other Korea-related stuff 
  • Goo Hara (really? Goo? Did you run that by anyone?) of pop group Kara gets a mention in the Orange County Register over her confessions of plastic surgery.
  • McDonald's Korea employee Hur Jin won second place in the "Voice of McDonald's" singing contest. Brian has been following this carefully, so go read about it there (see here and here).
  • The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry is ready to test its "TOEIC killer." Frankly, as a long-time critic of ETS and their protected monopoly that allows them to foist onto the public overpriced tests that often don't measure what they're purported to measure, I hope they succeed and I hope others follow.
  • In an article asking why there are so many oil spills, the Christian Science Monitor notes that South Korea has had thirty-two such incidents since 1960.
 Americana and miscellany 
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