Friday, April 2, 2010

Daily Kor for April 2, 2010

The public is getting antsy as we still don't know much more than we did one, two, three days ago. The sad news, of course, is that time and hope are running very out, and the chance of finding survivors is very low at this point. But it's good that the president and his advisors are trying to take this slow and careful, because when and if this turns out to have involved North Korea, we want to have all our i's dotted and our t's crossed.
  1. President Lee says there must be "no suspicion or negligence" in investigation of sinking of Cheonan, saying country's credibility is at stake (BBC, ) 
  2. Police in Changwon arrest two suspected terrorists from Pakistan who entered country illegally (Yonhap)
  3. North Korean economics professor tells Associated Press "no social disorder" followed currency revaluation which reportedly led to chaos across DPRK (AP via WaPo, AP video)
  4. Hyundai Motor's March sales up 36 percent from a year earlier (Reuters via WaPo, Bloomberg)
  5. KRW rises to ten-week high on exports (Bloomberg)
  6. Government ethics committee reports President Lee's personal wealth dropped 30.7 billion won to 4.9 billion won year after he donated 90 percent of wealth to scholarship foundation (Yonhap)
  7. South Korean housing prices up for the twelfth straight month (Reuters)
  8. Education authorities in South Kyŏngsang Province admit Italian Village immersion program was abject failure (Yonhap)
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