Saturday, April 3, 2010

Daily Kor for April 3, 2010

Today is a quick-and-dirty edition, since I've got places to go and things to do this Good Friday (which is actually a holiday here in the Aloha State, where it is still Friday). But the  Chonan story retains its top position in a big way, with the Defense Minister suggesting that it might have sunk due to a torpedo. The above graphic from the Joongang Daily 'splains it all (click for slightly larger version).
  1. Kim Jong-il believed to have entered PRC for meeting with Chinese leaders in Beijing (links here)
  2. South Korean Defense Minister says torpedo may have sunk Chonan (Reuters, BBC, , YonhapJoongang Daily, Korea Times)
  3. Body of crew member of fishing boat that sank near Chonan is recovered (Yonhap, AP via WaPo)
  4. President Lee mulls bolstering South Korea's "effective control" of Tokto in response to Tokyo approving textbooks calling the islands Japanese territory illegally occupied by Seoul (Joongang Daily)
  5. Dongah official receives 22-year sentence for embezzling $160 million (Korea Times)
    • In China, he would simply be executed
  6. Techs and automobiles bring KOSPI to 21-month high (Reuters
  7. Coach Brian Orser calls for intervention amid signs Kim Yuna is turning into an ajumma (Yonhap)
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