Friday, December 18, 2009

Loose change for December 17, 2009

 North Korea news and stuff 
  • The Wall Street Journal has aimed at distracting from its own wrongdoing, and possibly even "unraveling the six-party talks," by focusing on an official end to the Korean War.
  • In the CBS Evening News, there's a discussion about what a conventional attack by North Korea would look like. Hint: messy. 
 Other Korea-related stuff 
  • The Vatican has defrocked an African priest who practices exorcism and faith healing. It's not for those things, however, that he was booted from the priesthood. Rather, it's because he went and got married (to a Korean woman, incidentally; ask Sogang University all about ).
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  1. EricFriday, December 18, 2009 2:18:00 PM

    Oh cool, that's an article from my hometown newspaper in the last link.
    Written long before I was born, of course.

  2. kushiboFriday, December 18, 2009 6:17:00 PM

    That it was that paper was totally random. I was trying to find something — anything — on Father Killoren that mentioned him leaving the priesthood to get married, but it was almost impossible.


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