Friday, April 10, 2009

SK Telecom seeks to expand into US (and China)

It's no surprise if they try to move into China, but it's always a big step to move into the US:
SK Telecom, South Korea's dominant mobile carrier, is on the look out for new business, with $2.2 billion at its disposal over the next five years to find and invest in them, Reuters reports. With its home market saturated, and with the telco facing stagnate revenue growth, SK said it would hunt out new technology and services, and would look overseas—including the US and China—for growth opportunities.
The article notes how high the saturation is in South Korea: 95% of all South Koreans have cell phones (though many folks do frequently swap them for new ones) and 92% of all households have broadband.

And then there are the PC-bangs. So many PC-bangs.

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