Sunday, April 5, 2009

News links for April 5, 2009

1. Guess what? North Korea finally launched that fu¢king missile (CNN, UPI, LAT, WaPo, ReutersNYT, BBC, Elko Daily Free Press)

2. Obama asks UN Security Council to punish North Korea (NYT)

3. China urges the rest of the world not to overreact to North Korea launch (Reuters)... perhaps because it was all part of Beijing's plan to test US, Japanese, and South Korean anti-missile defense?

4. President Obama says the US must continue developing anti-missile defense to protect against the likes of Iran and North Korea (Reuters)

5. President Lee hopeful that Obama will restart FTA talks (Bloomberg)

6. North Korean rocket fails to reach orbit; first stage falls into East Sea while last two stages and payload fall into Pacific Ocean (UPI)

7. Defiant North Korea releases commemorative plaques of Kim Jong-il viewing satellite launch (Hankyoreh)

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  1. emilyMonday, April 06, 2009 6:18:00 AM

    Funny you should use a UPI link to claim the delivery into orbit failed. Now who is going to broadcast Moonie tv.
    Well done on the launch, NK, the Iranians have been doing so good in the space stakes of late that I was a little worried you were getting left behind.

  2. kushiboMonday, April 06, 2009 6:22:00 AM

    Ha! That UPI link was totally unintentional. I had completely forgotten about the Unification Church's purchase of UPI in 2000 (?). They actually have a pretty powerful media empire for a fringe church.

  3. ShinboneMonday, April 06, 2009 12:50:00 PM

    how could you mistake the commemorative plaque of our dear leader viewing the restored pyongyang theatre with that of the general watching our nation's spectacular rocket launch? for shame, kushibo. you have done a great dishonor for juche thought and the dear leader

  4. emilyTuesday, April 07, 2009 12:09:00 AM

    Yes, your friend 'some of my best friends are korean' the decrepit colonial mindset half-rate parachute fleet street hack Martin Breen that likes to pose as some superior critic of Korean society and such managed to score himself a tight (well, tighter than himself) Asian trophy wife through his connections with Mr Moon.
    Although much of that would be denied by him now...

  5. emilyTuesday, April 07, 2009 11:00:00 AM

    Please delete the above comment. The guys in my office think they are very funny.

  6. emilyTuesday, April 07, 2009 11:07:00 AM

    Hell, you might as well just leave it for posterity's sake.
    Ray Bradbury's 232.8 Celsius and all that.

  7. kushiboTuesday, April 07, 2009 11:32:00 AM

    emily, I'm sitting here with my mouth agape, going, "Gah?"

    If it's not something you're willing to explain on line, could you explain in an email so I know, um, what signs to watch out for. There are fake kushibos all over the place, so I'd be more than willing to be on the lookout for fake emilys.

  8. kushiboTuesday, April 07, 2009 11:37:00 AM

    Shinbone wrote:
    how could you mistake the commemorative plaque of our dear leader viewing the restored pyongyang theatre with that of the general watching our nation's spectacular rocket launch?

    I have been reading too many right-wing, Juche-hating sites, like Senkai and Faux News. I bow my head in shame.

    for shame, kushibo. you have done a great dishonor for juche thought and the dear leader

    The beauty of the Juche idea is that it is such a pure and complete philosophy that no dishonor can actually stain it.

  9. emilyWednesday, April 08, 2009 4:54:00 PM

    I left my computer at work on with my id logged on at this screen.
    Certain people took liberties while I was out.
    Curse this google-based log in software.
    It shouldn't happen again.

  10. kushiboWednesday, April 08, 2009 5:26:00 PM

    Yeah, it happens.

    Actually, I'm paranoid about using banking services on my iPhone, just in case it were to get stolen. It hasn't happened recently, but I've had two laptops stolen in supposedly low-crime Korea.

  11. a single pebbleWednesday, April 08, 2009 8:09:00 PM

    So Bo is "emily" your new sock? Is the problem that real people won't come to your blog so you have to invent them? And what's with the whole "I'm a girl" thing with your alter egos? Is there something you want to tell us?

  12. emilyWednesday, April 08, 2009 10:02:00 PM

    Um, I'm a real person Han-seok.
    Fitting I should be accused of being a sock of someone in the same post that I was a victim of virtual identity theft.
    Anyway, how do I know you're not actually Nora?

  13. kushiboThursday, April 09, 2009 3:22:00 AM

    a single pebble, you do not know what you think you know.

    emily, the ongoing hijinks done by the minions of fake kushibos (including once getting my blog shut down for weeks as a spam blog by spamming hundreds or sites with my username) suggests to me that (a) this is along those lines and (b) I shouldn't completely trust anyone I don't know in real life.

    No more of this nonsense. I don't like deleting posts, but I will if I have to. You see, we've stopped talking about the launch, the FTA, or commemorative plaques.

    WORD VERIFICATION: sussubi, which sounds like musubi, a local favorite.

  14. kushiboThursday, April 09, 2009 3:54:00 AM

    Oh, and it took me a minute to figure out who "Han-Seok" is. I'm like, "Do they know each other?"

    Yeah, I'm a little slow on the uptake before my first infusion of caffeine in the morning.

  15. kushiboSaturday, November 13, 2010 6:09:00 AM

    It just occurred to me, based on similar wording and concept, "a single pebble" up above may be gbnhj. Or possibly, based on this comment, the blogger/commenter known as NathanB.


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