Sunday, April 5, 2009

more photos of Kim Jong-il and the big hats

The weekly meetings of Photoshop Skeptics will have . The Korea Central News Agency (that's the North Korean official mouthpiece for those of you in Rio Linda) released on April 5 (local time) this picture of Dear Leader Kim Jong-il visiting the recently renovated Pyongyang Grand Theater.

They did not say when the photo was taken, but perhaps the handful of international residents of Pyongyang could perhaps provide a time frame.

Some have said that the Dear Leader is looking mighty frail, but both in the pool picture and in the photo above, his loose-fitting tops may be masking a significant pudge. Even with the older picture, the line connecting the two sides of his upper garment goes out as you go down.

This is not the sign of an emaciated person on his deathbed. And even if Kim Jong-il had lost a lot of weight, that is by no means a sign of imminent demise. Former president Bill Clinton looked quite gaunt after his bypass surgery (which I noted when I met him), yet he is still going strong.

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  1. emilyMonday, April 06, 2009 6:11:00 AM

    Dude, Kim Jong-il has lost a lot of weight in a very short time. What are you playing at to say otherwise?
    Sure speculation remains as to the cause, but nobody who follows this denies the weight loss thing unless they're merely playing devils advocate. Not that you or Nora would do such a thing.

    BTW, who is that french guy next to clinton?

  2. kushiboMonday, April 06, 2009 6:17:00 AM

    Dude, Kim Jong-il has lost a lot of weight in a very short time. What are you playing at to say otherwise?

    Oh, he's definitely lost a lot of weight (so did Clinton). I'm just saying he's not as emaciated as people were saying.

    What I'm "playing at," if anything is that the rumors of KJI's demise may be greatly exaggerated.

    Sure speculation remains as to the cause, but nobody who follows this denies the weight loss thing unless they're merely playing devils advocate. Not that you or Nora would do such a thing.

    It's no devil's advocate. I think his weight loss is in line with someone who has had a serious health issue (like a stroke or a serious GI-tract disorder) but that it does NOT indicate he is soon going to not be of this Earth. That's all.

    And, um, actually, I was thinking you might be Nora.

    BTW, who is that french guy next to clinton?

    Il est Jean Queri, qui est le senateur de le republique populaire de Massachusetts.

  3. emilyMonday, April 06, 2009 1:38:00 PM

    thanks for clarifying that, it wasnt so apparent in the initial blog. i agree with the post stroke weight loss analysis, and am also skeptical of CIA claims that he has a adopted a glorious workers mountain grass, leaf and twig diet as a treatment for his advanced AIDS condition.
    Hopefully he pulls through, the kids arent ready yet.


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