Tuesday, February 22, 2011

And today it's Diamond Head

Ill have something on the Netizens' discovery of Blackout Korea [also here and here] sometime after I get down.

(HT to the loads of SoKos who triggered Sitemeter while linking to an earlier post on that).

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  1. RyanTuesday, February 22, 2011 3:27:00 PM

    Yeah that thing was a ticking time-bomb... now comes the real entertainment, it's like watching a BBC docco where the ants are swarming over a lizard. The fun starts with comments displaying varying levels of outrage expressed from the intelligent and well versed in English, to those struggling with the language barrier, to childish name calling.

    My favourite so far, by one Anonymous (although possibly a shill), is "Hey you motherfunkin man, you don't know a shit. Suck my dick ! ".

    It'll be interesting to follow who gets outed by the netizenry and whether the blog owner himself is revealed.

    As expected, the ire expressed on that site is primarily directed at those who interfere with or pose with the subjects. We tried to warn him, but the owner of the blog had other ideas.

  2. EdwardWednesday, February 23, 2011 10:12:00 AM

    "As expected, the ire expressed on that site is primarily directed at those who interfere with or pose with the subjects."

    One would figure that it would simply be common sense, but I guess not.

  3. RyanWednesday, February 23, 2011 12:18:00 PM

    There is nothing common about sense.


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