Monday, January 17, 2011

Daily Kor for January 17, 2011

Above is the Samho Jewelry, the vessel hijacked by Somali pirates yesterday. In other, wholly unrelated news, the captain of India's national team at the Asian Cup has said that South Korea is the Manchester United of Asia.
  1. South Korean warship pursues hijacked freighter Samho Jewelry (Yonhap, CSMABC News)
    1. Foreign Ministry says crew confirmed to be safe (Yonhap, BBC)
  2. Bitter cold sets records in South Korea (UPIYonhapJoongang Daily)
  3. Meeting with Japanese foreign minister, ROK President Lee Myungbak says United Nations should discuss North Korea's uranium enrichment program (Bloomberg, Yonhap)
  4. North Korea fined $2000 for failure to bring a player to Asian Cup news conference (AP via WaPo)
  5. North Korea again urges renewal of dialogue with South Korea (Bloomberg, Yonhap, UPI)
  6. South Korea's trade surplus hits record high of $41.2 billion in 2010 (Yonhap)
  7. Anti-English Spectrum pressures Korea Tourism Organization to fire David from popular ad campaign after accusations of public drunkenness; says unqualified cartoon will also be investigated for marijuana use and HIV harboring (OhMyNews)

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