Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Samsung to make televisions equipped with Google TV?

Samsung Electronics Co., the world’s largest television maker, is planning to make an announcement in January about introducing TVs using Google Inc.’s software, as the company aims to spur demand.

Details of the plan have yet to be decided, Yoon Boo Keun, head of Samsung’s TV business, said in Seoul. The company is “open” to using Intel Corp.’s chips for its TVs, Yoon said.

A partnership between Suwon, South Korea-based Samsung and Google will follow a similar move by Sony Corp., the world’s third-largest TV maker. In October, the Japanese company began offering Internet-enabled TVs in the U.S. as consumer electronics manufacturers try to combat falling prices with products based on new technology.

Internet-enabled TVs will let viewers buy third-party video games and programs that do anything from forecasting the weather to measuring the string tension of a tennis racket. Apple Inc. fueled its expansion into music players and phones by developing the iTunes software that made it easier to buy and organize songs, TV shows and games and is expanding the model to television.
Frankly, I never really got the whole Internet TV thing, but that may be because I live in a dorm room where my iMac's screen is as large as my Samsung TV's screen anyway. I do watch a lot of TV on my iMac and my MacBook Pro, through and the various network's own sites (e.g., Survivor at, but not the 20-inch computer screen experience is just fine when you live in a 10'-by-14' cement cell.

Perhaps if I lived in larger surroundings I might consider a Samsung equipped with Google TV, or an AppleTV hooked up to a larger television than I have now so as to enhance my Netflix membership. Truth be told, however, I'm more likely to watch Netflix on my iPhone4 than on either of my computers.

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