Saturday, November 21, 2009

Daily Kor for November 21, 2009: Bye Bye Barry

Wow. Obama arrives for two days and it's like they used up all the news. Seriously, if it weren't for Yonhap staying open, I'd have like two lines in today's edition.

Most of the stories are about North Korea, which seems to have gone into overdrive on Saturday. When reunification comes, we'll be able to put that work ethic to good use.

  1. US President Barack Obama hints that American troops in South Korea could be deployed to Afghanistan (Korea Times)
  2. North Korea slams UN human rights resolution as "nothing but a trite political plot" (Bloomberg)
  3. Thirteen monks from Ch'ŏnt'ae Order head for DPRK city of Kaesŏng for joint ceremony with North Korean monks (AP via WaPo)
  4. North Korea proposes talks with South Korea aimed at finding a way to resume suspended Kŭmgangsan tours (Yonhap, Korea Times)
  5. South Korean exports rise 28.8% in first twenty days of November compared to a year earlier (Reuters via Forbes, Yonhap)
  6. ROK Prime Minister Chung Unchan calls for crackdown on illegal private tutoring in order to reduce household burden of private education (Korea Times)
  7. Group of American experts on Korean affairs heads for Pyongyang to meet with key officials in North Korea's nuclear program (Yonhap)
  8. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offers "significant benefits" to North Korea in exchange for committing to verifiable, irreversible denuclearization (Yonhap)
  9. Samsung Engineering wins $2.9 billion bid for electricity and waste management projects in UAE, its largest order ever (Korea Times)
  10. ROK President Lee Myungbak visits P'yŏngch'ang to offer full government support in that county's bid to host 2018 Winter Olympiad (Korea Times)
  11. South Korea falls four notches to #52 in FIFA world rankings (Yonhap)
  12. Obama's latest faux-pas in Asia: GOP congressmen criticize President for teaching South Korean leader "extreme terrorist fist jab" (Fox News)

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1 comment:

  1. SachinWednesday, March 24, 2010 9:07:00 PM


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