Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What parent has never imagined doing this?

The following video of a woman dragging her child through a Verizon store is making the rounds on the Internet, no doubt to distract further from the Kenya birth certificate smoking gun.

I've never done injury to a child with a backpack strap tied around a child's neck, but I don't have kids. However, a few years ago, I did literally drag my ten-year-old cousin out of a toy store at an outlet mall because we had to go and he refused to budge unless I bought him more darts for his Nerf™ dart gun. But he was ten (not two), had the ability to stand up on his own if he didn't like being pulled by the arm, was mostly enjoying the ride (instead of getting injured), and the floor needed dusting. 

Unlike 37-year-old Melisa Catherine Smith-Means of Gaylesville, Alabama, nobody arrested me. In fact, I seem to recall applause when we'd finally made it outside the store.

Did I mention I'm a misanthrope?

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1 comment:

  1. LastnameKimThursday, August 06, 2009 12:49:00 AM

    Yeah, I agree....sometimes outsiders watch this stuff and have no idea how stubborn some children can be. I'm sure this kid deserved to be dragged around. Actually, the fact that the kid held on to the chain/rope shows you that he is incredibily stubborn. We need to let some parents do their parenting as they know their children better than outsiders.


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