Friday, July 27, 2012

The Strange Rise and Fall of North Korea's Business Empire in Japan - Atlantic Mobile

The Atlantic has an interesting article on North Korea's under-the-table (and sometimes above-the-table) activities, with a focus on how they're falling apart (and, methinks, giving Kim Jong-un's regime impetus to reform).

A snippet (before I expand on this later):

"In late June, a Japanese court ordered Chongryon, a business, education, and banking organization formally representing pro-North Korean members of Japan's ethnic Korean minority, to auction off its ten-story office building in downtown Tokyo, effectively ending its mission of bringing money into North Korea and pushing propaganda out. The group's problems are essentially financial: Chongryon owes the Japanese government nearly $750 million for a late-90s emergency bailout that rescued the group's network of credit unions, which were rapidly de-capitalized because of remittances to North Korea during the country's devastating mid-90s famine, an economic and humanitarian catastrophe that killed up to 2 million people.

"As with just about anything regarding North Korea, even the surface-level truth belies deeper and darker realities. If it weren't for the chronic economic crisis and resulting famine that gripped North Korea in the 1990s, as well as a rising anti-North Korean strain in Japanese politics, then the criminal enterprises, communal bonds, and official connections that made Chongryon such a formidable political and cultural organization may well have remained intact. It took economic collapse, regional crisis, and domestic political upheaval to bring Chongryon to its knees."

This succinct email was sent from my iPhone. 
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1 comment:

  1. GrahamMonday, July 30, 2012 3:39:00 PM

    Did you notice the caption for the accompanying photo?


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