Sunday, February 5, 2012

Obama finally getting aggressive?

I didn't vote for Obama, but with Jon Huntsman having dropped out, I don't see anyone in the Republican field that I'd want over the president.

And frankly, I'm sick and tired of the constant crap-talking of the economy — which almost seems like they've got as their strategy eroding confidence so much that it actually has a negative effect on things and derails the recovery.

So much of it is just fantastical, as if they live in a parallel universe where the downward spiral that began in late 2007 has continued four years later and Obama really is doing absolutely nothing because he's too busy playing golf.

And so I'm glad that the Obama camp has come up with handy graphics like this that show what he has been doing and how dramatically the jobs picture has turned around (Blogger's having trouble showing the interactive part, so you can just click on the link for all its glory).

This interactive graph is a strong antidote to the knee-jerk cry that Obama is bad for the economy and isn't doing anything right. It also is evidence that the stimulus has worked and that the Detroit bailout (which has mostly been paid back) was absolutely the right thing to do. Romney and all of them just don't get it.

Okay, and now I'm done being partisan for the day.

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  1. AnonymousSunday, February 05, 2012 6:59:00 AM

    You a fucking idiot. Obama has done the worst possible things for the economy and is now pulling fake stats out to get himself relected. Your insane.

    • kushiboSunday, February 05, 2012 7:02:00 AM

      Stay class, anonymous reader. I hope your [sic] just a one-time visitor here and not one of the several Anonymoi who regularly visit and comment much more thoughtfully and politely.

  2. itissaidSunday, February 05, 2012 11:16:00 AM

    And this is why commenting should be restricted to registered users.

    • kushiboSunday, February 05, 2012 12:56:00 PM

      Well, they do have to go through a moderation process. Normally I reject posts that gratuitously insult the host or my guests, but this guy was outing him/herself as an angry and mindless simpleton who makes his own viewpoint look suspect.

      Oh, the reason I allow anonymous commenters is that there are some people who genuinely have something to say but either cannot or will not make a Blogger profile, or cannot post from another profile. I'd prefer if people post under the own userid so we can distinguish from the various anonymoi, but that's life.

  3. John from DaejeonSunday, February 05, 2012 1:38:00 PM

    kushibo, for some reason your blog is the most difficult one for me to leave comments on no matter which profile I use. I have no clue as to why, but I am usually forced to log in and out of Google several times before it will accept my comment and user id. There are many times that I consider commenting as anonymous myself as it is so much easier and quicker.

    • kushiboSunday, February 05, 2012 1:40:00 PM

      I have heard that before, and I have no idea why that is. And that's one reason I allow Anonymous commenting, since I have to moderate it anyway. If a recognizable regular does comment "anonymously," though, I prefer if he/she speaks up and says who they are.

    • itissaidTuesday, February 07, 2012 1:58:00 AM

      It must be the html script of your page. Because Blogger usually works well.

  4. AnonymousSunday, February 05, 2012 6:42:00 PM

    when I'm unable to log on, I always just sign it at the bottom with my most well-known/preferred user id.


    • kushiboFriday, February 17, 2012 3:10:00 AM

      And I'm glad you do that. I'd hate to think that the mild-mannered Roboseyo might be the "You a fucking idiot" anonymous guy. :)

  5. DouglasMonday, February 06, 2012 11:52:00 PM

    This blog does have some quirks when it comes to commenting. I can register a comment using my lap top, but not my desk top. Both of which sit on the same desk. Weird.

  6. RobertWednesday, February 08, 2012 10:33:00 AM

    A moment of clarity:

    Obama will win the next election, though not by much.

    But during his second term, the economy will improve significantly; and the following election will then result in a Democrat for President.


Share your thoughts, but please be kind and respectful. My mom reads this blog.

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