Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pumpkman Fever

As of yesterday, the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers* have been eaten.

Oh, wait, I take that back. I have some cranberry sauce in the fridge I'm planning to use in my oatmeal.

* Actually this is the last of the spawn of the leftovers. We had turkey that lasted for weeks, which was turned into soup, regular turkey as a main dish, turkey sandwiches, turkey á la king, and eventually a delicious turkey quiche. But to make the quiche, we had to buy a quart of half-and-half and pie shells, and the leftover H&H and the pie shells were used to make the pumpkin pie you see here (with Libby's that was on sale). The last of the turkey was in fact eaten the day before yesterday (in a delicious turkey rice soup). 

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