Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Scary post stories

It's already All Saints' Day in Korea, but here in Hawaii it's still the morning of Halloween (yesterday at the local Catholic church, they handed out Halloween candy — something I guess you'd never encounter in a Protestant church).

And although I'm a bit busy these few weeks (perhaps until the end of the semester), I do have time to at least do the blog equivalent of a clip show.

From this past spring we have what I still think was a brilliant example of a public awareness campaign: the CDC's guide to preparing for zombie attacks.

And then there was last year's post-Halloween post, in which I briefly recounted my trip to Waikiki, where the costumed people on parade is Honolulu's equivalent of Mardi Gras (another unholy day preceding a religious day).

This year I'll probably make my way to Waikiki again. "M," "K," and "M3" have all expressed an interest in going, and "M" already has her costume ready: zombie sexy nurse. Be sure to look for me; I'll be dressed as "guy who drove zombie sexy nurse to Waikiki."

... Sphere: Related Content


  1. ChangmiTuesday, November 01, 2011 9:18:00 AM

    Similar to the CDC zombie page (but funnier in my opinion), the Missouri Dept of Conservation recently put up this informative page:

  2. kushiboTuesday, November 08, 2011 5:10:00 PM

    Thanks for that link, Changmi.

    They're both pretty clever. I'm in the public health field, and the problem is that practitioners can seem so stodgy and serious, so it's nice to see this kind of innovation.


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