Tuesday, October 4, 2011

KORUS FTA ratification by mid-October?

That's what President Obama is saying.

From AP, via the Washington Post:
President Barack Obama said the White House will have an announcement “in the next day or so” on sending three free trade agreements to Congress, a move that would put the deals with South Korea, Colombia and Panama on a path toward final passage after years of delay.

Separately, an official familiar with the discussions said the White House was expected to send the trade deals to lawmakers Monday afternoon.

Obama has made the trade pacts a centerpiece of his economic agenda. He’s repeatedly said the agreements would support tens of thousands of jobs and boost U.S. exports.
Passage of the free trade agreement with South Korea is a big part of the legislation he's been putting forth since his "Pass this bill!" speech. Since Republicans have made the somewhat less palatable FTAs with Panama and Colombia part of an all-or-nothing agreement, Obama has been touting them as well.

It would be a nice little boost to the economies of both countries, and frankly this is three or four years overdue.

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