Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Great genetic influence"

It seems like such a no-brainer to the layperson, but there is still serious scholarly debate on whether the Korean and Japanese languages, as well as ethnic Korean and ethnic Japanese people, are closely related (as in one coming from the other), or if the extremely similar grammatical structure of the two languages — essentially unique — is just one big coinkydink.

Well, Sean Lee and Toshikazu Hasegama released a study using phylogenetics (stemming from evolutionary genetics) demonstrating that :
Some scholars argue the main settlement of the archipelago occurred 12,000 to 30,000 years ago, and that modern Japanese -- both the language and the people -- descend directly from this stone-age culture, which had some agriculture but was based mainly on hunting and gathering.

According the this theory, the migration of other peoples from mainland Asia around 200 B.C. brought metal tools, rice and new farming techniques but had scant impact on linguistic development.

Other researchers counter that this influx from the Korean Peninsula had a far deeper influence, largely replacing or displacing both the indigenous inhabitants and their spoken tongues.

Recent archaeological and DNA evidence support this theory, but researchers at The University of Tokyo wondered if additional clues might be found by tracing dozens of distinct dialects back through time to their earliest common ancestor.
Lee and Hasegama fall into the latter camp. Their research methodology is interesting:
"Accumulating empirical evidence suggests that languages have, astonishingly, gene-like properties, and they also evolve by a process of descent," he said.

Lee and Hasegama created a list of 210 key vocabulary words -- body parts, basic verbs, numbers and pronouns -- and duplicated that list across 59 different dialects.

The researchers chose words unlikely to be borrowed across dialects and "resistant to change," much in the same way biologists seek out so-called "highly-conserved" genes that remain unaltered for thousands of generations.

Computer modelling showed that all of these "Japonic" languages descended from a common ancestor some 2,182 years ago -- coinciding with the major wave of migration from the Korean Peninsula.

The exact timing of the farmers' arrival may go back a little further, Lee said by email, but the core conclusion seems inescapable: "the first farmers of Japan had a profound impact on the origins of both people and languages."
This kind of thing is controversial, but it's not as if the possibility that modern Japanese are mostly descendants of several waves of Korean migrants is ignored in Japan. In fact, back in the 1990s, I recall visiting a national museum in Tokyo's Ueno Park, where a display described the non-mythical origins of the Japanese people. It read in English, "Koreans exerted great genetic influence on Japan," a roundabout way of saying that same thing.

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  1. hoihoi51Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:14:00 PM


    the Japanese by method of Mitochondrial DNA
    the korean and the Japanese are very simillar...( that is,matrilineal. mother lineage)
    ( Korean is not south korean. I mean korean who is living southern part of south korea like Pusan or kaya)
    korean is more similar with ainu than the Japanese

    Y Chromosome father lineage(paternal line)

    korean and the Japanese are quite different because of D(Yap+)
    most okinawan and Ainu have D(Yap+)

    Why is it so similar by the method of mitochondria, and is it very different by the method of the chromosome?
    only women came to Japan as Yayoi? I dont think so
    As for the movement in the group, men was more numerous .

    How about Latin America?
    How about example of the Pacific Ocean islands?
    How about India?

    After the 16th century, present Latin American nations were conquered by Spain and Portugal. It is chiefly men that came.
    As a result, there are a lot of Y chromosomes of the Caucasian lineage in Latin American nations.
    However,The Caucasian origin is few by mitochondria method
    most of type is native ppl'

    so are polynasia, Guam....
    Aryan (one race of Caucasian) invaded India from Central Asia 3000 years or more ago, and the upper layer hierarchy was formed for India.
    As a result, there are many patrilineal more than the matrilineal...

    accoding to descendant Genghis Khan Research
    the Y chromosome goes over the cultural barrier by the occupation of the short term of around 100 and does not spread..
    The ruler should be in the top in the society until race's uniting for long long time.

    Top management in the ancient society of which the Jomon people fused with Yayoi shows that the Jomon was farther more than Yayoi.
    In short, the Jomon people conquered the people village of Yayoi where it had emigrated with high probability
    Small number of people comparatively people who made the Jomon people an ancestor were in top management in the society, and people of a lot of yayoi were ruled.
    The pattern excluding this is impossible.

    so is language.
    The mark of an ancient Korean language is not seen at all in Japan.

  2. hoihoi51Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:17:00 PM

    word of same meaning and same sound..
    i think the connection from the relation of the word to which ancient times fossilize is clarified.

    The language is deeply related to race's identity.
    The origin of the word can be traced to a past history and the life of the race in all the languages.
    We can speculatewe the other relatives from what the past word was spoken.

    it is said Japanese lanuguage is an orphan of language.
    It is possible to divide into some groups by tracing the system of the language. It tells the relation between the race and the other race.

    Most languages of Europe, Persian languages, Hindis, and Sanskrit words are classified into Indo-European language.
    A Mongolian language, Turkish, and the Uighur language can be classified into
    Altai language.
    They are words spoken around Altay Mountains in Central Asia.
    The Hebrew, Aramaic, and the Arabia language belong to the Semitic family of languages.
    The race who speaks these is recorded as a descendant of Shem.

    How about Japanese language?
    That is, the language of a similar character is not found in another.

    Criteria related to relative of language
    According to Alfred L. Kroeber
    some words with same meaning and sound exist in the words which belong to another language.
    however this number is about 5 words
    therefore,it is necessary to find many words not by chance in order to judge two languages are related.

    How many is it needed?

    syllable system
    The language has always developed as an information switching system.
    The system doesn't usually admit a coincidence that cannot be explained.

    There is one special method to search for the relative relation in both races'
    ancient times. that is ,syllable .

    A minimum unit of the voice is called a syllable. For instance, a word of "ko-to-ba" in Japanese are three syllables .
    it can say "word' in English is one syllable.
    It becomes a word and sentences with meaning only after the syllable ties.

  3. hoihoi51Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:17:00 PM

    probability where word of two syllables of the same meaning arises by chance
    in the same pronunciation.
    in English, the kinds of the syllable are 3000 because it differs according to the idiom.
    There are 112 kinds of Japanese slightly.

    For instance, it is assumed 112 that the kind of the syllable of space alien's
    language is the same as Japanese.
    The probability that the word of two syllables that consists of the same syllable and the same meaning arises is about 1/10,000.
    The probability by three syllables becomes 1/100,000.
    Therefore, there is no probability to be born for the word of the same meaning and the same syllable by chance if there are neither a cultural influence nor a good relation.
    In other words, it can be say that there is some, cultural exchanges or kinships between both languages and races if they are found between two languages.

    If it is several word, it is recognized as a chance result.
    How if it is 500?
    ( I dont know Onyomi words are includedin them? if so, story is different)

    if we see the ppl of Indo-European family, we can guess their life style in ancient from one of their ruins.

    The grammar looks like in the relation to Korean.
    However, korean word is quite different from Japanese though ancient korean is unknown.

    Japan's Hidden History by Jon and Alan Covell.
    at first, they are not archeologists at all.
    they are art historian..
    at least, they are nameless as archeologists because it does not hit him in google at all in english world.
    I read his article.
    I knew how crazy he was it would be the best selling in korea ..

    Castor's insistence that Korea had once been "conquered" by Wa is itself an excuse to explain why there are so many archaeological artifacts in Japan which have origins from Korea,
    there is no evidence at all.
    why are there so many Japanses castles,Waeseong in korea?
    these are also korean origin?

  4. hoihoi51Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:32:00 PM

    Japanese ancient language and ancient heblew have same sound and same meanig...

    toru ;to take
    kaku; to write
    sumu; to live
    horobu; ruin
    harau; exorcies

    agam(agumu))to get tired of (doing)
    akar(akeru) to leave,to empty
    anta(anata) you
    avar(owari) finish
    avna,Aramaic (iwane).stone
    barer(bareru)to be exposed
    haer(haeru)to shine
    hakar(hakaru)to measure ,to survey
    hake(kaku)to strike
    hake(hikae)to wait
    haya,Aramaic(hayai) fast
    hazaza(hazusu)to unfasten to remove
    havia(hebi) snake
    horer(horeru, horu)to excavate
    kama(kome) rice.grain
    karas,syria(karasu) crow
    kava(kawa)river,to transport the water
    kor,(kori,koru) ice, cold
    kubita,syria(kabuto) hat, helmet (of armor)
    mavar(mawaru)to turn. pathway,detour
    mits(mitsu)nectar ,honey
    mono,Aramaic (mono) thing.
    motsa(matsu)exit ,end
    nagav(nuguu)to wipe
    nakamu(nikumu) hate ,revenge
    nakar(nokeru)to repel
    nasa (nasu 生す)to give birth
    nase(nasu) to try
    sa'ar,syria(suru) to do
    .. there are so many... if you want, i can write more than 100 kunyomi

    How about english
    name in japanese is mamae
    kill cut almost same..
    to write, to take, etc in both Japanese and ancient hebrew(also in Aramaic) are same sound and same meaning..

  5. kushiboSaturday, May 07, 2011 9:41:00 PM

    Wow. It must be making your head explode to think that you're a Korean descendant.

    Anyway, interesting connection between ancient Japanese and Hebrews (if it's true, but those Japanese aren't the dominant Japanese of today.

  6. hoihoi51Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:55:00 PM

    Bayesian phylogenetic analysis supports an agricultural origin of Japonic languages
    Lee is korean..

    Bayes' theorem

    It is a mere Lee's graduation thesis.

  7. hoihoi51Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:12:00 PM

    what a miserable resarch
    even I can do that better than them
    sorry my poor english

  8. hoihoi51Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:18:00 PM

    >>Anyway, interesting connection between ancient Japanese and Hebrews (if it's true, but those Japanese aren't the dominant Japanese of today.

    Just check out
    as a funny note...

    SUMO "Jacob vs God

    and words..
    as for ancient heblew and Japanese..
    there are more than 500 same meaning and sounds words...

    2:43 PM


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