Friday, December 3, 2010

Kate Bosworth schools America on the tough lives of Korean celebrities

The uber-cute Kate Bosworth is making the rounds, promoting her upcoming cowboys-and-ninja movie The Warrior's Way, in which she stars with Korean heartthrob and Taegŭkki: The Brotherhood of War star Jang Dong-gun [chang tonggŏn, 장동건].

This includes a stop on the show of some woman I've never seen nor heard of, to talk about her co-star who is "the Brad Pitt of Korea*."

The above video is just a teaser, and it's not the most sophisticated of Korean social commentary, but it would explain why we have so few celebrities in South Korea, say, showing off their red mango.

Gotta say, I've liked Kate Bosworth ever since Blue Crush, and she comes across as hella smarter than Jessica Simpson.

* I'm reminded of a line by Lisa Simpson: "Anything that's the 'something of something' isn't really the anything of anything." Not that I'm knocking Jang Dong-gun, whose choice of Romanizing his name — dong gun — is about as phallically powerful a celebrity/newsmaker moniker I've heard since Dick Pound. 

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  1. John from DaejeonSaturday, December 04, 2010 7:42:00 AM

    After her breakup with Orlando and the Superman re-boot crashing and burning, I was surprised to see that she even had a film in the can as she sort of vanished from the screen the last few years. This film doesn't have hit written all over it; however, her role in the "Straw Dogs" re-make does have a lot of star power behind it. Maybe it will help re-ignite her career.

  2. kushiboSaturday, December 04, 2010 7:45:00 AM

    Irrespective of her being in it, I did like the new Superman. Frankly, I had no idea how it fared at the box office, though.

  3. John from DaejeonTuesday, December 07, 2010 11:42:00 AM

    Put a fork in her and the movie. "Pathetic" is too nice a term for the only new release of this past weekend as it finished in ninth place in the North American market. And it won't get any easier as "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" premieres this Friday.


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