Sunday, May 23, 2010

Daily Kor for May 23, 2010: What now?

Okay, so the Daily Kor was on hiatus when the official announcement came down that North Korea was indeed responsible for the torpedo attack on the Chonan, but that ending was about as predictable as a Harry Potter movie. But I promise to be back online for the coming destruction of the North Korean submarine base from which the attack was launched, surgical strike on Dear Leader Family Compound #3, tough response that is sure to come.
  1. UN probes Chonan sinking as possible armistice violation (Reuters, Christian Science Monitor)
    • President Lee calls sinking breach of armistice (Yonhap)
    • Both military and non-military options said to be on table (Joongang Daily)
  2. North Korea demands its own probe into Chonan sinking (, Bloomberg, Yonhap)
  3. US Secretary of State Clinton pushes for sanctions against North Korea over sinking of Chonan (LAT, NYT, WaPo, BloombergAP via USA Today, Yonhap)
    • News media urge action (BBC)
    • ROK opposition leader urges Pyongyang to stop exacerbating inter-Korean tension (Yonhap)
  4. South Korean Coast Guard seizes two Chinese fishing boats in Yellow Sea EEZ (Yonhap)
  5. South Koreans commemorate first anniversary of President Roh Moohyun's death (Yonhap, Joongang Daily)
  6. In the latest sign of North Korea's economic desperation, Kim Jong-il instructs the masses how to make lemonade out of imaginary lemons ()
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