Monday, June 1, 2009

OC Register explains "June Gloom"

People associate Southern California with sun and fun, but from late April or early May until the beginning of July, it is often overcast and chilly, a weather condition referred to as "June gloom."

It's largely thanks to the cold water that flows southward from Alaska, as is explained in this nifty slide-show presentation.

I realize this may be of interest to no one but me, but if you are planning a trip to Orange County or Los Angeles, consider going after Independence Day.

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  1. nbMonday, June 01, 2009 6:48:00 PM

    You know what I really miss about California, Kushi? The inconsistency of the weather. It might be cold in the middle of summer, it might be hot, hot, hot at Christmas. I remember going to Disneyland 2 days before Christmas some years back and it was a scorcher.

  2. kushiboMonday, June 01, 2009 7:07:00 PM

    Oh, I totally get that! It is a bit of novelty to be heading for the beach in 90° weather in January or February, but it's not much fun, as my mother and I discovered during a Dodger game two years ago in June, to be shivering in the nosebleed seats because you forgot to bring a thick coat.

    Anyway, our Midwestern relations get kinda ticked at us (as if we control the weather) if they go through the trouble and expense to visit in May or June and find it's colder in Cali than in Minnesota. "You should have been here on King Day," we tell them.


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