Friday, October 10, 2008

Former Ewha lecturer from France wins Nobel Prize for literature

French author Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, author of 1980's "Désert," has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Having read none of his work, I have no real reason for blogging about this other than to say that back in the day his wife was pretty cute. 

Oh, and to make this Korea-related, he taught at Ewha Women's University in 2007 and 2008. I kid you not

UPDATE (next morning): 
The Joongang Ilbo mentions this, too, but not yet in English. But in my search for an English-language article, I found this Joongang Daily piece from September on Korean government efforts to bring in more high-level professors, which mentions Ewha's plans to bring in Nobel laureates (though at the time, Monsieur Le Clézio was just a Nobel hopeful.

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