Friday, September 26, 2008

Anti-Japanese Kushibo?

Another blast from the past. It always baffled me when die-hard Japanophiles labeled me as a Japan hater, Japan basher, etc. With myriad connections to Japan — voluntary and otherwise — I dare say I myself have a healthy love and appreciation of the country (though I loathe using the loaded term Japanophile to describe myself). 

Anyway, I ran across this comment on the Marmot's Hole, where I used to be a frequent commenter, circa December 2005:
If Korea were to be judged based on the deeds of its worst citizens in the same way you’re talking about Japan, Korea would be an international 왕따*.
My comment was made as a warning to someone else not to judge the nation of Japan on the basis of Dr. Ishii of the infamous Unit 731 in Manchuria, which conducted extensive research on live human subjects in one of the cruelest acts of World War II.

That was one of many such comments I made, though some of my critics tended to ignore them when accusing me of Japan-bashing. Sure, I have been a strong critic of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and right-wing aspects of Japan's ruling LDP, but disagreement with elements of the Japanese government does not make one anti-Japan. Were that sufficient criteria, I would also be anti-Korean (a list of my criticisms of Roh Moohyun would cripple Blogspot), anti-American, anti-Chinese, etc.

Of course, some people are such lovers of Japan themselves — or haters of Korea — that for them that single criterion is enough. 

* 왕따, or wangtta = outcast
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