Friday, December 30, 2005

November 17, 1941: Japan's Jailees

The Japanese have held three fundamentalist Presbyterian missionaries incommunicado in Manchukuo since Oct. 22. Protests by the U.S. State Department have failed even to elicit the charge against the missionaries. Four days after the arrest at Harbin, the Japanese hustled the trio—Dr. and Mrs. Roy M. Byram, the Rev. Bruce Hunt—500 miles south to Antung, on the Korean border. Probable reason: to make them testify at the trial of the Korean Christians arrested for refusing to take part in State Shinto rites. Secondary reason: to frighten remaining U.S. missionaries out of Manchukuo. Sphere: Related Content

1 comment:

  1. stanThursday, January 01, 2009 11:11:00 PM

    Roy and Bertha Byram were my grandparents. I remember them talking to me about their experiences in Korea. If anyone knows about them or has some kind of documentation about their stay in N.Korea please contact me. Thanks


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